Tenant vs. Tenant Disputes: Do I Have to Intervene?
Scenario A Landlord owns several adjacent rental units with multiple tenants, such as an apartment complex, a duplex, or a mobile home...
What’s The Quickest Way to Get a Tenant Out of My RV Park?
Question I own a decent-sized RV park with quite a few long-term tenants living there, but with also a few seasonal guests and...
My Tenant Owes Me Money!
Predictably, one of the most common questions my clients ask is “how do I collect money that my tenant owes?” If the rent is past-due for...
Landlords: Should You Allow Subletting?
Residential landlords are increasingly faced with the prospect that their tenants are subletting their rental units. Subletting can take...
Keeping Tenants and Getting Paid
Does this sound familiar? You have a tenant who checked out well in the application process,but now has not paid rent for two months. He...
Do RV Parks Need to Provide Showers?
Question We own an RV park that has bathroom facilities, but no showers. One of our new tenants insists that we must provide showers as...
Avoiding Tenant Disputes
Every landlord wants to avoid disputes with tenants. Disputes can lead to litigation – and litigation is expensive. There are a few...
Discrimination Claims
The information provided below relates to residential tenancies in Oregon and is general in nature. It is not intended to apply to...
Considerations for RV park law
While similar in some aspects to regular tenancies, there are a number of important differences in RV law. Every landlord who rents an RV...
New Legal precedent for how to deliver Eviction Notices
Mr. Busch successfully argued a case in the Oregon Court of Appeals that helped expand the way in which eviction notices could be served...